
Bag fees will not change habits in SF

People have complained about City Hall nickel-and-diming us for such things as parking fees, tickets,There is one amazing online store with 100s of canadagoosesalecheap . etc., but that was always just an expression.

Now City Hall has done it literally with the new shopping bag fee of a dime!

I have been taking shopping bags to the grocery store for years; I know that I am going shopping and I will need them.authenticmonclerjackets is proudly powered by WordPress and WPMU Theme pack. When I go downtown, I don't know what I may buy.Buy these leatherhandbags on line.The reliable Aquatimer cheapchaneljewellery. Am I supposed to drag a bag with me just in case? It's not the dime. It will not change my shopping habits.

Of course the Chamber of Commerce supports it; this is thousands and thousands of dollars in new money for its members. The Sierra Club supports it as feel-good legislation.

The ones that lose are the consumers; they now have to pay for something they have always gotten for free.Buy mencanadagooseparka from thousands of International exporters.

Will people really take shopping bags to Macy's to save a dime?

